WELCOME! A full new website is coming soon! For now, read on for the basics, and follow us on social media for the latest and greatest!
Using Music to:
INSPIRE active solidarity with marginalized people
BUILD community
EDUCATE for social transformation

Live Music
New, Open & Affirming, Progressive Christian gatherings online anywhere and in-person in Missouri. Gatherings are designed and led by Rev. Eric Moeller, and include music, prayer, and conversation.

Recorded Music
All-In records and releases music of social justice and story. Visit our Bandcamp page to download tunes, or stream on your preferred service.

Whether performing solo or with the All-In Band, All-In founder, Rev. Eric Moeller, plays soulful rock n roll with
a progressive message in the vein of Springsteen, the Clash, Frank Turner, and Jason Isbell.
Eric is available for shows in ANY SETTING,
for folks of ANY economic standing
(shelters, meals, churches, coffee shops, clubs
Educational Seminars
Eric is available to lead seminars about
the spirituality of rock n roll, rock n roll and liberation, and similar topics. Contact him for more info!